Janine Bächle (born 1990 in Germany) is a photographer and artist based in Leipzig and at Lake Constance with a passion for book making and editorial design. She studied photography and communication design at University of Art and Design in Offenbach, Germany.

Janine Bächle (geb. 1990 am Bodensee) ist eine Künstlerin und Fotografin in Leipzig mit einer Leidenschaft für Fotobücher und Editorial Design. Sie hat Fotografie und Kommunikationsdesign an der Hochschule für Gestaltung in Offenbach studiert.


2019 University of Art and Design, Offenbach am Main DE, photography and communication design studies, diploma (equivalent to a master's degree)
2017 Olaf Unverzart, München DE, internship freelance and artistic photography
2016 Griffith University, Brisbane AU, photography studies
2012 Haute école des arts du Rhin, Mulhouse FR, fine art studies

Exhibitions (selection)

10 ANS / 10 PHOTOGRAPHES, Quai des Cigognes, Mulhouse FR
Nurture Serenity, BB Labor, Leipzig DE

10 ANS / 10 PHOTOGRAPHES, Quai des Cigognes, Mulhouse FR
Leipzig Photobook Festival, Grassi MAK, Leipzig DE
Saturn Oppositions, Offenbach DE

Portale, University of Art and Design, Offenbach am Main DE

Junge Kunst mit Zukunft, Museum Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt DE
Fail early and often, SAP, Walldorf DE

Lebensformen, Biennale de la Photographie, Galérie de la Bibliothèque, Mulhouse FR (Solo)
Comment ai-je pu me perdre ?, Goethe Institut, Paris FR
The Biography of Things, Deutsche Börse, Eschborn, DE

Raving Madness / Coming home, Obscura Festival of Photography, Georgetown MY
Raving Madness / Coming home, Myanmar Deitta, Yangon BU
Bitte ein Liebscher!, Haus Beda, Bitburg DE

Politics, QCA Galleries, Brisbane AU
Junge Kunst, Villa Bosch, Radolfzell DE
Kunsthoch 46, Burg Galerie at Schlosspark, Halle DE

Printed Matter, Art Book Fair, MoMA PS1, New York US
On Stage, main station Berlin, Munich, Dresden and others DE

On Stage, main station Frankfurt and Köln DE
Printed Matter, Art Book Fair, MoMA PS1, New York US

Diagonale Horizontale, Satellit, Berlin DE
Play & Replay, Biennale de la photographie, Mulhouse FR

artcards Kunstaktion 12, Volksbank, Rottweil DE

Awards and scholarships

2022 Grant 'Neustart Kultur', Kunstfonds
2021 Grant 'Perspektiven öffnen, Vielfalt sichern', Hessische Kulturstiftung
Grant 'Kunst und Kultur', City of Offenbach am Main
2020 Grant 'Hessen kulturell neu eröffnen', Hessische Kulturstiftung
Nominated for 'gute aussichten - junge deutsche fotografie' by Martin Liebscher
Shortlisted for 'Helsinki Photo Festival'
2017 Award 'Projekt Nachhaltigkeit' for the series ‘Lebensformen’, German Council for Sustainable Development
2016 Promos-Scholarship for studies abroad, DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service)
2016 Scholarship by Hessen-Queensland-Program

Publications and books

2019 Meditations, self-published
2019 fail early and often, (exhibition catalogue) University of Art and Design, Offenbach am Main, ISBN 978-3-00-062769-9
2018 a morning in nazaré, self-published
2018 Lebensformen. Formes de vies, Médiapop Éditions, ISBN 978-2-918932-74-1
2018 The Biography of Things, (exhibition catalogue) Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation, Goethe Universität Frankfurt, HfG Offenbach, Frankfurt a. M.,
ISBN 978-3-00-058714-6
2017 months together — months apart, self-published
2015 Lebensformen I & Lebensformen II, self-published
2015 Glimpses of Myanmar & Thailand, self-published
2014 the ocean is the beginning of the earth, self-published
2014 Fragmente der Anwesenheit, self-published

Press (selection)

Buddhismus aktuell 1|2024. Piron, Harald. "Meditationstiefe. Die Qualitäten meditativen Erlebens." January 2024.

9 Lives Magazine. Weidmann, Ericka. "Interview d’Anne Immelé pour les 10 ans de la Biennale de la Photographie de Mulhouse." October 2, 2023.

L'intervalle Blog. Ribery, Fabien. "Les nouvelles pastorales, par Janine Bächle, photographe." February 28, 2020.

fail early and often. Schlaegel, Andreas. "Janine Bächle." 2019.

Liberation. Mercier, Clémentine. "Les nouveaux romantiques de Janine Bächle." November 27, 2018.

L'Alsace. "Les formes de vie de Janine Bächle." July 24, 2018.

BPM. Hors-série NOVO N°15. Bezard, Nicolas. "Retour à la nature." June 2018.

Phototrend. Maat, Diane. "Expo photo : « Comment ai-je pu me perdre ? » au Goethe Institut." May 2018.

L'Alsace. "Ailleurs à Mulhouse." May 2018.

Biennale de la Photographie de Mulhouse. "Exposition. Lebensformen." April 2018.

The Biography of Things. Brückner-Amin, Sina. "Janine Bächle." February 2018.

360° - Das studentische Journal für Politik und Gesellschaft."months together — months apart. Dokumente einer Fernbeziehung." 2017.

Frankfurter Rundschau. Leclerc, Florian. "HfG in Offenbach. Ausstellung erinnert an Rosalie." June 30, 2017.

dienacht Magazin Nr. 20. Kruse, Calin. "Janine Bächle: "months together — months apart."" 2017.

Fotoroom. "FotoFirst — The Seemingly Endless Search for a Life in Tune with Nature." 2016.

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. "Stillleben auf Teppichen." July 10, 2015.

Clients (selection)

monopol Magazin, Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt a. M., Tanz-Zentrale Leipzig, Leipziger Energie, f+h Siebdruck GmbH, State Design Consultancy, Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach, print now riot later, Novo magazine culturel, Médiapop Éditions, Klenk & Hoursch AG, Ports de Mulhouse-Rhin, re_dance platform